Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Introducing Dallan Wright: "Please don't ever grow up."

Have you ever wondered...Who is DW? Well today is your lucky day.

I've invited DW, also known as Dallan Wright, to be a guest on my blog. Listen up. Because here is what he has to say.

Today, it is my greatest pleasure to have the amazing opportunity to write for the wonderful Jenna as a part of her fantastic blog. I am Dallan Michael Wright. I am a son, brother, writer and friend to a few and it has been my delight to have grown close to Jenna over the past couple years. It brings sorrow to my soul to think that my charismatic friend, Jenna DeGering, will be graduating in a few short weeks. I know this time in an individual’s life can be very stressful and often over whelming as the reality begins to settle that they are “all grown up.”  
Now, I am not so ignorant to think that after graduating from University that growth ceases and we become stagnant. But, in the mind of a soon to be graduate, I can imagine that they feel like this is last big step in their development into adulthood. I want to express to Jenna and all the graduates this year or for years to come, that we should never feel “all grown up.” I am not referring to the Peter Pan version of the sentiment of never growing old, but instead I want to compel all those who read this to always keep your sense of innocence intact.  
Never forget the nights you stayed up till the sun began to light the sky again, just because you couldn’t tear your eyes away from a special friends’ loving gaze. Don’t be so quick to forget the magic in lying around in sweats all weekend just because you felt like you “deserved it.” Remember what it’s like to live off ramen or eat ice cream by the carton. Mentally freeze frame the excitement that came with finding out who was in your new classes and whether or not the one good looking guy or gal would sit next to you. And always stop late at night to go outside, lay on the grass and stare up at the stars, pondering the universe’s secrets.  
So to Jenna and all those moving on from your university experience… Graduate, but please don’t ever grow up.


  1. Weeping. Truly Inspirational.

  2. Now, read the second to last paragraph while listening to Devil by lydia, you just might cry. I think I almost did. Guilty.
