Thursday, February 26, 2015

She said I think I'll go to Boston...

Hi. I have some big news to share. 

In about 24 days and 20 hours, 
I'm moving to Boston. 

Phew. That feels better. I mean, quite of few people already know, but I needed to tell the big space. You know. I also needed to write about it. So it's real to me. 

This big move has been in the works for a long time. Some people might see it as my quarter life crisis, but that's invalid. I still have about two years until that's my excuse. Others probably see it as me running away from the Utah cultural phenomenons I tend to complain about. But no matter what anyone says or thinks, this move is because I honestly believe I need to go. Moving to Boston and leaving my entire life behind will be the hardest thing I've ever done. I know that. But I'm excited! I'll try to explain the best I can, other than the fact that I just need to go. For one, I love the East Coast. Absolutely love. So making the cross country trek to a place I've always wanted to live...doesn't suck. I think I'm a city girl, too. The desire has been there for a long time. Along with this idea of me being a city girl and making this big adventurous move, I know that I can do it. R.S. Grey said, "She BELIEVED she could, so she DID." 

Number two, which is actually really number one, my sister and her family live in Massachusetts, so I have a killer support system. They are championing for me to make the move, which brings me to my last point. I have a killer support system in Mass and in Utah. The people around me, who know me well, get it. My family and close friends are my pillars for this move. It's not easy to decided to make a very adult decision and move away from everything you know, love, and cherish. So having such great people around me helps. 

While I have your attention, I just need to express my gratitude and love. I have an amazing life, and I'm really going to miss this life of mine. I've been blessed with an incredible family that I cannot live without. My parents are superheroes. Literally. My siblings are my best friends. It's going to be hard a trial to live so far away from most of them. To add to the family miss, I'm the favorite aunt to my nieces and nephews, so that will crush my heart. I'm also going to deeply miss my friends. God knew that I needed best friends by my side to survive, and I really do have the best. Thank goodness for MSN Messenger. You know, so we can stay connected. haha *dying* haha So dear friends, PLEASE COME VISIT ME. I CAN'T SURVIVE WITHOUT YOU. But really, I've shed a lot of tears because I'm going to miss my people. Like a real, hard, kind of miss my people. I'm also leaving a job that has treated me so well. I love SUU, and I'm so grateful for my education and my professional development. #TBIRDNATION 4 LYFE. But on to bigger and better things for this country girl. 

So. I'm moving to Boston. And it just feels really, really right. I'll need some help and encouragement along the way. Sooo I would't mind the good vibes and prayers. <3


"If adventures will not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad." 
    -Jane Austen